Home of The Tea Party

On April 15, 2009, Delaware Patriots came together to join voices in saying, “We want our Country Back!” This was not organized by any political party. It was organized and attended by concerned citizens that realized their Country needed their voices. It was deemed a threat by Homeland Security. It was a perfect example of the peaceful exercise of our First Amendment rights. The liberal left laughed, called us names, and said we didn’t even understand what the Boston Tea Party was about. We understood it was about what kind of power would control of our lives and our children’s lives. We believe in Abraham Lincoln’s words: “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” This site is dedicated as a place to unite this voices and press on to save our Country and the Values it was built on.

Contact Information:

Chris Shirey - State Coordinator                                  Email:
[email protected]

(302) 875-5489

Donna Gordon Assistant Delaware Coordinator

Steve Hyle  (Dover, DE) Communications Director

Jack Poczynek  Sussex County Organizer 

Bill Gell New Castle County Organizer

Kevin Street Kent Co-organizer

Tracey Moore Kent Co-organizer

Facebook Group Page:

Nationwide Tea Party Coalition:

Click here to connect with the whole Delaware Movement  to save our Country: http://www.delawareteaparty.org/